Justfog has unveiled an updated version of its popular Q16 Pro Kit. The set retained the main advantages of its predecessor, but received a number of improvements, including a more powerful battery, an expanded set of operating modes and support for fast charging. The mod is made of anodized aluminum and is available in four colors: black, silver, gold and red. The case has an ergonomic silhouette with rounded edges, making it comfortable to hold in the hand.
The battery has a capacity of 900 mAh, which allows the device to work throughout the day without recharging. For charging, the USB Type-C port is used, which supports fast charging. australian vape shop melbourne The Q16 tank has a capacity of 1.9 ml and is made of plastic. The package includes two replacement evaporators: 1.6 Ohm and 1.2 Ohm. The airflow is regulated by turning the ring on the base of the tank.
Q16 Pro Kit supports four operating modes:
Power – mode with a constant output voltage, which can be adjusted in the range from 3.5 to 4.4 V.
Soft – mode with reduced output voltage, which provides softer steam.
Hard – a mode with increased output voltage, which provides more saturated steam.
Bypass is a mode in which the output voltage directly depends on the battery voltage.
Key Features of Q16 Pro Kit:
Dimensions: 12.5 x 2.5 x 1.6 cm
Battery: 900 mAh
Voltage: 3.3-4.4 volts
Cartridge: 1.9 ml
Resistance: 1.2-1.6 ohms
Additionally: airflow is adjustable
Contents of delivery:
two evaporators